The example (below) gives an error (all other Itested from that site too, same error).
Link: Show Open File Dialog
Using the terminal.
I Pasted the code in TextEdit, saved it as
Set cd in Terminal to point to the .java folder (checked with ls -l),
javac SwingTester
and get the error.
error: Class names, 'SwingTester', are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested
1 error
Simple question: why not with the Netbeans IDE and the Screen Designer but hand coded what is a bit harder to do? Only as a mention. The example works without any problem like you see.
java --help
will bring you the commends
but for what do you need them for Develöopment?
Normally you can start the IDE and set the IDE settings that you will get the command descriptions all inside the IDE. I do not need any man page when working with IDE.
By the way, pkg is now available for macos install. Just downloaded it and installed without any problem. Runs.
Noe you can start with Java with ant project as a Java application. There y<ou can add a JFrame which you can edit via drag and drop
The stupid guys do not used MacOS, it is a pure hazard that I understand pkg download is for me !
Yes, for development.
I fired it and it looks nice; I do nothing with it (lack of time, I only wanted to be sure it does not asked me to download some more thing “à la Microsoft”…).
Na it needs no downloads or something. When and if you want to use for example Libs via Maven they gert loaded from mavencentral. Only if you want to. And yes, it fires and makes no problems at all.