
On the recent release of Sleep Aid


Congrats. Is this a Xojo or Swift app? Just curious.

Xojo still for now
I believe @samRowlands is rewriting it in Swift

Thank you all, this update has taken a lot longer to release than I anticipated.

Still in Xojo for the time being, albeit it now uses a small Swift made helper.

I plan to do so, but I haven’t set a time scale on it yet. There is still a lot I have to learn in Swift, I have a couple of smaller apps that I’ll ship soon. I haven’t even touched custom graphics in Swift yet.

I lost several months this year to an unknown illness that knocked me for six. I’m still not fully over it now, some days I can only stay awake for 4 or 5 hours at a time

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Sorry to hear that… I hope you can completely recover from it soon.



Thank you Karen. I hope that everyone else is doing better.

we are suppose to go away for way for a week to Wales mid June for our 20th wedding anniversary and just a few days before, Richard go down with terrible cough (sound like coughing his lungs out) and too dangerous to drive long distance… and found out it is pneumonia… and then he got very bad swelling left foot…

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I hope he is felling better by now, pneumonia is tough.

Hi Trisha, hope Duke is better now. Take care of him, Pneumonia with this swelling left food sounds not like a good combination. Better go to hospital if needed. Sounds scaring.

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thanks thorten, he is toward the end… coughing is very minor now… and swelling is going down too with one of those EMS device that use electric shock.

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thanks sam, I know… pneumonia is not fun at all…although it is not contagious. but we have to skip going to event with lots of people since the coughing sound pretty bad…

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I noticed the change of App icon in the dock between light and dark mode.
The app bundle contains a file named “darkiMacIcon.icns” but it isn’t declared in the plist.
Is the app icon “manually” changed in the code when Dark mode is detected?

Great UI overall, especially the onboarding screen.

I assume that you’re talking about Sleep Aid.

Yes, it is done via code. I think I recall hearing something about getting the system to do it, but it is for Apple’s own apps or something.

I am pleased to hear that you like it. It took a long time to create, especially the first few designs were useful, just not as useful. @Tim spent some considerable time assisting me with the design of the UI also.