Censorship is bad for the Xojo Community

My father always taught me to seek the veracity of any published document.
Thanks for the feedback.
I think Dave probably mentioned a banned word “iOS” too many times.
Dave, I appreciate your insights and tutorials.

HA !
Archive.org has several old cached copies of the etiquette rules and it amazing how similar they are from nearly the outset until just recently when they got posted in a very different form (but still mostly the same “rules”)

From what I can see there is ONE rule that is very likely the result of my postings

Discussion of or links to blogs or websites that share privileged or internal Xojo company information (financials, personnel, etc.) is not permitted

Nah… I think it was my use of the adjectives “egotistical” and “arrogant” :slight_smile:

Entirely possibly as that might run afoul of the “Offensive or abusive language and hate speech” rule

But thats just my guess

That is nonsense… I have seen your posting on the NUG and the forums before you worked for them, during and after. In fact, before they banned you from posting on the forum while you worked there, the only time you got testy was while DEFENDING unpopular decisions Xojo Inc made … and for that they took away your posting privileges.

Yes we were/are a demanding bunch and you got a bit exasperated, which is understandable with all the pressure on the team as people left.

While you probably should have been more aware of what image they wanted portrayed, what I think is that you rubbed someone the wrong way who had Geoff’s ear that constantly framed things you said and did in the worst possible light…

While I may be wrong, that is the only thing that makes sense to me after seeing you post about the product for almost 2 decades…


I tend to think this is indeed part of the reason

FWIW I try to be “realistic”
Sugar coating things and telling people “Its all wonderful and you wont have any issues” isnt useful to them or me - esp when they come back and say “Gee I wish you had told me …” later on

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Again IMO one would have to interpret that EXTREMELY (and unreasonably) broadly to cover things you posted here… You certainly had a right to discuss your firing and circumstances surrounding it!

Most who have been around awhile know who all the engineers are and what their primary focus is and who has left and what their focus was as well as the types of things have NOT been getting addressed after they left (something Geoff should know he needs to deal with in some way to keep teh product moving forward in ways the REALLY matter)

Again IMO it is casting the things you post uncharitably in the worst possible light.


Well you REALLY would not be able to work for Donald Trump! :wink:


can’t imagine why any SANE person would

eh… yes and no. You can still be an asshole and still use your real name.

… as I’ve proven! :grin:

not until you get banned here :stuck_out_tongue:




The letter from Perlmann was very illuminating. Does anyone else remember the old forum as “not a pleasant place”? “Constructive criticism” is only welcomed when it fits into what he wants.


I thought it had to be Brad H. :wink:
Before he was banned, he was a real pain in the a** for Xojo.

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nothing that I would recall as being unbearable. people’s opinions and what they want to talk about is part of what it means to run a forum weather it goes with or against the main objective.

I ran out of popcorn twice reading that drama. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that person was the only truly crazy one I remember when using Realbasic/Realstudio/Xojo. And there it didn’t matter at all if he used a name or was anonymous.

Trump likes to call reporters nasty when he doesn’t like the question or it make him look bad. What it comes down to is Geoff can’t handle the criticism. He essentially had a hissy fit when it was pointed out how they are pushing misleading marketing claims.

Many of Xojo’s issues begin with Geoff and how he runs Xojo. It’s Goeff holding Xojo back from being a professional tool. Maybe Geoff wants to be a big fish in a small pond. Who knows. But saying Xojo is for hobbyist and not so much for pros. It’s just a cop-out as Geoff can’t ship a consistent mostly bug free product. Much easier to say we’re for hobbyists.

All I know is I’m glad to have woken up to see reality. The past several years have been a waste of money for me. In the past Xojo was a fantastic product, but now it’s a hot mess.


I lost it when I read (posted by someone else, don’t remember who) a quote supposedly by Geoff

Its my company, and don't you dare tell me how to run it

well my response is

Its my money, and don't you dare tell me where to spend it
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