Okay they will be ready for production in Version 2038r5?
I’m surprised its even that close they would release
Guess folks will find out how ready for prime time this is
Dang, I once had a Xojo licence out of a promo from eons ago and almost got tempted by that sale. Good thing this place gave me a chance to read up on how things stand in the Xojo universe. I guess a hard pass is in order.
I REALLY need to add the emoji to the list of reactions
I would say no. While I know: Desktop is not really for production, Web is not really for Production, Android … no comment, IOS is not really ready for production. So I guess they make that ready. Each platfom like they needed time for Android would mean that Multicore Threading comes up…let me calculate … After I had my funeral party. As I am trying to be polite and friendly (you asked me to be always polite) I said: 238R5. I could not write 2072r9. Only for YOU I am so polite
So I renewed my license…
Would you ever trust me if I tell you the story? That is, my card’s company actually blocked the card by prevention, thinking the purchase could be fraudulent. I called them as requested, and told them it was my intend to complete the purchase.
So I can tell: Xojo isn’t well known…
They read this forum and were like, “Oh no, who would buy this!? Decline!!!”
I see that some of you received emails for the Xojo sale. I received one email saying that the event is going to happen soon. After returning from out-of-town work, and checking the post that @npalardy made, it looks like I missed the sale.
Was there a separate email sent to you?
Thanks Ivan. Much appreciated
To be honest, I’m here for a very short time and I guess this is the site where all depressed and cranky Xojo coders go. The name is “not NILL”, but it sure is close to it… On the Xojo forums there is still a lot of activity, most if it positive. I don’t use Xojo for work, only hobby, but I still like it and I’m still very satisfied with it. I must admit that I’m working from a license that’s a couple of years old, so no newest version for me, but still coding and happy with it
Not really polite what you wrote. We are not the “cranky and depressed” Xojo coders. All of us are desillusionized former or active Xojo Coders. You may get that there is a difference. What you try to imply is that we are the stupid ones which are not getting how good and special Xojo is. No. I can’t accept this kind of hatespeach. People here are mostly commercial developers which had a definitely showstopping moment. And Xojo was not even trying to help. The wise they acted with Web 1 → Web 2 was an example for this. Promised that old projects will run. Result: they can not. Even the Buttons and many other stuffs are changed (events changed and also event data changed and so on). The same behavior they had with the change between API 1 → API 2. May be you are happy with an old version. This is not what you can really use in a commercial environment.
Sorry for the somewhat crude namecalling from my side. I came here to have an extra Xojo support source and kinda liked the “Mad Max” approach, but was soon disappointed to read so many very negative reactions towards Xojo. I get the fact that some people are disappointed in Xojo, I too had some troubles getting over to the new commands and most of my code is a mix of old and new commands (like VAR and DIM happily next to each other…) but overall I’m happy with how quickly I can build a working app when I have an idea for something. As a hobby coder I don’t have to deal with the higher expectations of commercial coding ofcourse, but some of my freeware demonstrated that even my cross platform apps are quite reliable for my needs and those of my (couple 100 of) users.
I would say: ask a question in a new Thread about a xojo related problem and see what happens. I would bet if somebody can help you will find here support. Here are skilled developers working years with Xojo. Norman for example. And also others. A few of the really skilled ones are banned by Xojo. They can not answer you there. So ask and you sill see.
The most discussions here are not xojo related. But when and if there is somebody with questions he will get an answer.
Well, they edit or delete posts and threads that are not positive. Threaten users with perpetual bans if they complain about the product or company. So having only positive activity there means nothing.
About the “LOT” part… most of the experienced users were cast away so many of that activity are posts that are left with the wrong answer or ignored. The content of the forum has decreased in quantity and also in quality.
Some of the “depressed and cranky Xojo coders” answer questions of the other forum in here just because.
Well, those are not lies, it is the reallity of the product. You would have noticed it on the other forum if it wasn’t so heavily censored.
To give an example. You can program for IOS and Android. That’s simply half true. While IOS can for example work with Bluetooth Android can not. So Bluetooth for android does not exist. Try to program Android for Tablets. You may have fun. Because it is working only with half baked workarounds. They simply forgot about the fact that there are TABLETS.
You have also nearly no functionality for really writing Android Apps. It is - simply - not ready for production. Hence they told the people that there will be Android soon in 2016 it is still not even half ready for work.
And IOS? If you need to change a buttons background color you may wonder cause that is: impossible. Also for Android. Means: working with it is simply crap. For IOS you need to use declares. Possible but really complex to do.
Or let’s speak about Web. They layout editor leads to not real responsible Designs. Something nobody needs. That’s Xojo. The entire stuff is half baked. Not to forget Desktop. Threading. Impossible.
Let’s compare this with other tools. I am using Codenameone for Android and IOS. Complete capabilities. Setting up my own CSS. Having all I need. Writing in ONE Codebase and ONE UI Code for both: Android AND IOS.
Wanna write Desktop Software? Java Swing. If you don’t want to spend money for your IDE? No problem. Netbeans comes with Swing UI editor.
Wanne write Web Software? Use Vaadin. You don’t need for your projects full blown features? Then you should use it open source.
Upfront cost until now to develop, build and release: $ 0,-.
You need to integrate Office automation in your App? Charts? Databases? PDF? Use the Java Ecosystem. Most is free of charge also for commercial use.
Bugs in Java? For sure. Many of them. But there is a difference between Xojo and Java. Finding one results in fast fixes mostly. Showstoppers? I didn’t found a real one within the last 2 decades.
You may repeat the same with C#. So why should I not complain about Xojo when and if there is no Support, no Bugfixing, nothing for 799,- Bucks per year?
I happen to be one of those “cranky and depressed” developers as you call us.
I started with Real Basic then Real Studio and finally as Xojo from 2006 to 2019.
I was quite satisfied until around 2018, then the prices started to go up (renewals used to be $50 a year, now they are $399 (and I’m talking ONLY desktop here). Then they started to change the syntax (breaking existing code in some cases), but causing a lot of rethinking. And most of those changes where for the sake of change, not to add any real improvements.
Finaly the managment decided the skilled developers were not the market they wished to pursue, that they wanted to cater to “newbies”… This was mostly due to the fact that “skilled” meant knowledgable, and that meant we found anomlies more readily than less skilled newbies did.
Even now, the only real source of information is either the “Xojo User Forum” , or this site.
Xojo staff rarely if ever answers technical questions, and when they do it is “call us”, meaning the question and answer are not shared publicly. Asking on this forum, MAY get you an answer (and if it does it will most likely be more correct), the problem is many of us left Xojo, so investing that kind of time is no longer a priority.
And contrary to what Xojo advertises… it is NOT “Cross Platform”, it is “Multi-Platform” at best and that is being generous.
Cross Platform = ONE project File, multiple targets, it takes at least FOUR project files to cover Desktop, iOS, Android and Web. and even then the GUI and logic may or may not work in multiple projects.
Multi-Platform = One TOOL (ie. Xojo) that can be used to write code for multiple targets
I can understand where that comes from and I mostly agree with you. I too am a long time user, starting with Xojo in 2004 and at THAT time, it was “cross platform”: it supported Mac, Windows (and Linux?), mobile and web where still far, far away. I have built some apps for Windows & Mac and until now all my apps are true cross platform for these two OS-es. However, in the last few years, they added new platforms and forgot to loose the slogan “cross platform”. So yes, multi-platform would be a better description for the current state of the software.