Best way to classify a specific type of Array

I have an array of a class that consists of [rank, suit, color]
Rank is 0 to 13, Suit is Spade,Club,Heart, Diamond, and color is Red or Black
simple playing card stuff.

What I need is to quickly determine of an array of those objects meet a specified “rule”. of which there are four(4)

  1. does the array have ascending sequential values, with alternating colors [2 :spades:, 3 :heart:, 4 :clubs:] etc.
  2. does the array have ascending values of same suit [2 :spades:, 3 :spades:, 4 :spades:] etc.
  3. does the array have descending sequential values, with alternating colors [4 :spades:, 3 :heart:, 2 :clubs:] etc.
  4. does the array have descending values of same suit [4 :spades:, 3 :spades:, 2 :spades:] etc.
  5. None of the above

Rules 1,3 don’t care about the Suit, just Red vs Black
Rules 2,4 the suits must all be the same

All you need is rank and suit. You can determine color from the suit. Might make life easier.

The best I came up with, many years ago, was to sort the array by rank. And then doing a count in each array of each card check to see if all were the same suit, or the same color. It was kind of fugly.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a library to do this. Edit: There is a swift library called SwiftPoker on GitHub and that was just a simple search. I’d bet there’s more and better ones. There’s one for C++ called pokerstove.

only thing is to know you have to check every element and bail out f you find one that doesnt match the rule

I dont think there’s any magic short cut

You can start checking from card # 2 to the end

rule 1 is my # is 1 greater than the previous AND color is not the same (red or black)
rule 2 is my # is 1 greater than the previous AND suit is the same
rule 3 is my # is 1 less than the previous AND color is not the same (red or black)
rule 4 is my # is 1 less than the previous AND suit is the same

dunno enough about swift to know if there is a nice simple way to declare a function that you can pass the array or apply to the array to check members

Looking through the Go code at they do a clever thing where they rank the cards as primes

strRanks = "23456789TJQKA"
primes   = []int32{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41}

And then do some clever math to determine what the value of the hand is. I figured there had to an easy way to figure it out. Then determining flush is pretty easy.

Really wish the internet had been around when I had been working on my game oh so many years ago.

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this seems to be for solitaire not poker

it is

this is a bit brute-force, but it should work

  var ok       : Bool = false
    var rank     : Int = 0
    var suit     : Int = 0
    var color    : suitColor = .none
    var asc      : Bool = true
    var desc     : Bool = true
    var sameSuit : Bool = true
    var altColor : Bool = true
    for i in(0...pile.cardCount-1) {
        if[i].pic == card.pic { ok=true }
        if !ok { continue }
        if tempStack.count == 1 {
            rank  = tempStack[i].cardRank
            suit  = tempStack[i].cardSuit
            color = tempStack[i].cardColor
        } else {
            let tRank  = tempStack[i].cardRank
            let tSuit  = tempStack[i].cardSuit
            let tColor = tempStack[i].cardColor
            if tRank  != rank+1 { asc      = false }
            if tRank  != rank-1 { desc     = false }
            if suit   != tSuit  { sameSuit = false }
            if color  == tColor { altColor = false }
            rank  = tRank
            suit  = tSuit
            color = tColor
    switch tempStack.count {
        case 0 : return false // select stack is empty (should never happen)
        case 1 : return true  // a single card meets all pick types
        default :
            switch pile.pickRule {
                case .ascending_AltColor          : return (asc==true  && altColor==true)
                case .ascending_Same_Suit         : return (asc==true  && sameSuit==true)
                case .descending_AltColor         : return (desc==true && altColor==true)
                case .descending_Same_Suit        : return (desc==true && sameSuit==true)
                default : return false // stack did NOT match any defined type

it is possible to not meet any of the rules (random ranks, random suits etc)

and I may not need to create tempStack after all

Sorry. Was thinking about our discussion from the other day about the grid poker game. Sorry for the noise, but it was a good research rabbit hole for me. :slight_smile:

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no worries… a poker solitaire may end up in this collection yet… I have 70 variations defined already, 50 are point-n-click, and 20 are drag-n-drop