Any comments or questions?
Are you intending this will be a virtual conference ?
Live ?
or ?
Virtual via posts and replies here on INN. This way everyone can participate!
So… how is that any different than how we all use !NN today?
Same, but the talks will be all released around the same time.
so would you treat each “thread” as a “presentation” with comments & questions after ?
presentations would be video posted on Youtube or something ?
Super simple. No need to wait weeks for the video to be edited.
this sounds great, what about those of us who do not do google, youtube, facebook or any other nasty info sucker out there? stupid post review thing…
I’d hazard a guess it could be figured out how to get them on the intertubes
If you send me your video I’ll post it to my YouTube account. We’ll just be sure to set the desc so it’s clear that it’s your content.
awesome guys!