App Wrapper 4.3.1 Update now available

App Wrapper 4.3.1 Update now available

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More information - App Wrapper 4

Version Changes

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Fixed a crash that could occur on re-opening several windows a second time.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Fixed a bug where the “Pack” action menu item wouldn’t have an icon.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: View → Clear Results is no longer enabled when AW is busy.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Changed the way how AW sends passwords to Apple API to avoid complications with KeyChain.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Fixed an error that can occur when dragging in DMG images to be Notarized.

App Wrapper is part of this years Omegabundle where you can score a best value Xojo add-ons for a great deal.

App Wrapper 4.3.1 is a FREE update to all participants of the Omegabundle 2021, and to customers with a valid Update Plan. App Wrapper 4.3.1 is also available from the Ohanaware Website. App Wrapper 4.3.1 offers a no-obligation 14 Day trial. The RRP of App Wrapper 4.3.1 is $49.99 (USD) for a single user 1-Year Update Plan. Customers with a valid Update Plan can upgrade to App Wrapper 4.3.1 at no additional cost. Customers with expired Update Plans can extend their plans for $39.99 (USD). Ohanaware currently uses FastSpring to handle payments on the Ohanaware website.


What happens if you already have a license and buy the bundle? Does that add on a year or is that a second license?

You get a new serial number but that includes any existing time and one year.

Plus you get the App Kit which was used to create App Wrapper with and a ton of other Xojo Add-ons like:

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