Anyone ever see these errors in Swift before?

objc[56602]: Class CSAudioFileManager is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5288) and /Applications/ (0x144de8a08). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSNNVADEndpointAnalyzer is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5cd8) and /Applications/ (0x144de8f58). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSAudioRecordContext is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5d28) and /Applications/ (0x144de9048). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSSelectiveChannelAudioFileWriter is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5f08) and /Applications/ (0x144de9228). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSPlainAudioFileWriter is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e51e8) and /Applications/ (0x144de9958). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSRemoteRecordClient is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5788) and /Applications/ (0x144deaa38). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[56602]: Class CSServerEndpointFeatures is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1454e5a08) and /Applications/ (0x144deb0c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

I am not even attempt to use speech recognition or any audio for that matter

Something like that in Xojo as well

as long as those two are identical its just a warning

freaking annoying… and it just started today

I’ve seen these strings in Console for ages, for various apps. Did even happen in Mac OS 10.11.
Nothing to worry.