2023 release 1

Yeah unfortunately the plan to fix it wasnt really clear until I’d been there many years and had spent enough time hacking it to really come to the conclusion that what it did was just the completely wrong way to do it

And then Joe was gone so fixing it by driving it from the compiler wasnt likely to happen

And then my departure

Oh well

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One of the more frequent ways I write code is to just edit with BBEdit then revert to saved in the IDE
Heck it even has some autocomplete which is sufficiently accurate

uh copy paste ?


…and great Git integration:

Yeah thats not git integration though

Thats a foible in licensing where it nukes the license for gawd knows what reason so instead of having whatever license you now have none

Its happened to me as well and I’ve reported the bug more than once

There are lots of things that can throw it off - but I cant say what all they are without possibly affecting their licensing scheme

It sucks

And yeah it catches people ALL the time

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and gingerly overwrites source text files. Another true genius system design.


… adequately staffed

Would it actually overwrite any source files though as I thought the binary project file would have a different file name / extension to the xml or text based projects.

A warning when opening the project would be better though.

In the Release Notes, I saw:

Features added: 19

I get an eye on the list, but saw no “Feature” nor “New Feature” entry.

Must I ask for a brand new pair of eye or… did they forget to share the list ?

Just curious.

It is actually here:

i am missing new emojis in this xojo release…

Doh: I do not looked at the right column, and calling New Feature something the description starts with “Fixed a bug displaying the popup”…
And before doing a search, better click in th correct Frame (the one at the right)… else it search in the “Navigation” (left Frame)…

I’d better do something else (read comics for example).

I had to edit this because I felt it is even better. Read Mort and Phil and rethink they are the Xojo Development Center.

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like :poop:?

You get black-and-white emojis on Windows. So funny!



Mort and Phil are a pair of idiots, and no matter what kind of mission they are assigned they always manage to get it wrong.

Their new target audience?

Have to say I have never seen it do that
It will save as a single binary file though

Yeah thats laughable
Always has been understaffed