Ive seen some of them offering temporal builds the next day to fix the bug for the client.
The problem is not the size per se. The problem is the focus. While Christian and Björn have their customers as the priority, xojo focus is in the CEO nonsense
Having left a bug-ridden and technical debt-loaded development platform behind I was looking for something more viable.
I then evaluated Xojo and found a bug-ridden platform with a huge technical debt.
What drove me away from Xojo is how bugs are handled (or not), their grotesque manner of handling communication with TOF members and the company’s unhealthy fixation on the CEO’s whims and wishes.
I’ve created some awesome things in Xojo and invested a lot of time trying to make my Xojo Mac applications better Mac citizens, but it was an uphill struggle all the way and when I finally made my code available to others, Xojo used my money to change the language and break my code for new customers.
Now instead of focusing on the core of Xojo to stabilize and optimize it, they’re trying to build enough App Wrapper into Xojo to do what? Are they really going to make more sales because of it? Does ripping off Christian’s charting classes really bring in more money?
Xojo is blind as to why people leave, they act like a child, well if you’re leaving then we don’t care about you… Instead they should be seriously looking at why they lose customers and plugging the leak. After all, it’s easier to keep an existing customer happy, than try to acquire new ones.
While I’m on the beta track, I haven’t looked closely at that, mainly because with you I have no need. But how are they doing that? From what I understand, you harden and sign an app bundle, but you do not notarize it. The latter is done to the installer. So does the process also create a .pkg or .zip to notarize.
(Maybe I’m treading on NDA here, but I don’t think that the fact that they’re doing notarization is secret.)
Speaking of notorization, does anyone know a app/script or whatever, where I can drag a compiled/signed Xcode project and have it notoraztion, relatively hands free?
nothing will change… its senseless to keep this discussion over and over again… our genius will pass away someday and xojo with him… happend before with powerbasic aswell.
His selfish ego is not capable of thinking about greatness or legacy, what will stay when he is left. He acts like a responsible CEO comparing himself with steve jobs, but in fact its just a selfish child, missing any critic self-reflection
Precisely my last response
If one person reports it how many have just shrugged it off and kept moving ?
Even Geoff has said few people report bugs
its a fraction of the entire user base
Doesnt mean they DONT exist just that many people are just not inclined to report them
And responses like his only encourage people to just move on because they DONT expect anything will happen in a timely fashion
Me, and several of my coworkers, have found this discussion to be so Geoff. You have to remember that he’s always the smartest guy in the room so unless it’s something that he deems important then it will get ignored or put on the back burner.
Xojo has a quality problem. We all know that to be true. But the smartest guy in the room doesn’t use the product like we do and doesn’t run into the same type of bugs. Therefore it’s us, not the product, that is the problem.
Wow that thread has moved from the forum onto the bug report I noted
Still the dismissal of concerns about the lack of bug fixing suggests to me nothing is going to change and the shedding of more experienced users will continue
between that thread & the ones in the forums where people have flat out said “I gave up reporting bugs because they dont get addressed” its amazing he can rationalize doing nothing. Or appearing to do nothing as you point out.