XDC “Pausing”

I went to the Xojo conferences and spoke at most of them. Mostly I was there to be a consultant as many years there were three or four people there looking for a developer to help them. We had 4 consultants and could usually pick up a client every year. So it made sense to go from a financial standpoint. I also blogged about the conference and the keynote messages.

I’m an introvert too but I can play an extrovert for about three days and them I’m maxed out. My wife would understood that after a conference I wasn’t going to talk much for a few days.

So yeah, I finally moved my last consulting client to other developers. My full-time job is now 100% goLang. There might be some Xojo in the future, but my company will not go back to Xojo for major development. How many times can you get burned before you say enough is enough?