XDC Day One Thoughts

I saw some of the Xojo Keynote.

Here at Xojo, we’re not afraid of change. Change is progress.

Sounds very much like someone trying to convince themselves that they were right. We’ve all seen progress, for me, t’was QuickTime to AVFoundation. Xojo’s “2.0 All The Things” ain’t in the same galaxy close.

It reminded me of Apple’s Butterfly Keyboard fiasco. Small number of customers, vocal minority… yadda yadda yadda. Some independent repair shops cited that it was close to 50% of those laptop that had keyboard failures and Apple didn’t fix the problem for 4 years.
I recall reading they had to step away from the Butterfly design because by 2019, their laptop sales were down to a quarter of 2015.

The more Geoff pretends everything is fine, the less things are going to improve.


Even without a mechanical failure these keyboards where crap. It was the end of the-design-over-function frenzy at Apple.

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For Xojo this translates to ‘we don’t care about our existing customer base’


All change is not progress - its just change
Was “the change” on the Titanic progress ?

Take some thing good - make it better

Sounds like a Nero fiddled while Rome burned scenario

Or maybe the ostrich with its head in the sand about to be punched on by a lion
But hey - things are good !

They might SAY they do
But watch what they DO
Not what they say
Every time they make a change so new users wont get lost or confused or something along those lines they show us how little regard they have for experienced users


Bottomline: Nothing new in Xojoland.


I would wonder if there would be some really new stuff. But soon android will be released. Okay not even as productive release but as early beta but still…since first coming soon announcement only 5 years :slight_smile:

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Don’t be sarcastic. On a geological timescale this is speed of light! :zap: :zap: :zap:

And on a profit/loss scale it’s likely a complete disaster :slight_smile: . Sorry I’m sarcastic or realsitic?

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There is a border between surrealistic and truths. I don’t know, one of the game is standing not on the reality truths site.

This is known as the “Duke Nukem timescale” in software :slight_smile:

EDIT : Xojo for Android development is .5 Duke Nukems old :stuck_out_tongue: