UI's in Go

Not sure what question you’re referring to, but sounds like my comment about complexity vs simplicity and so why not Java? I don’t necessarily need something newer; in fact, something more mature with a likelihood of staying around for a bit is preferrable.

This video talking about “Why of Go” resonated with me and may help in explaining what I’m looking for. I’ve also described my challenges with Xojo and what kinds of programming I do.

Things I’d prefer:

  • Not mandatorily object oriented, but supports it in a practical way when you want it (I like what Go does here, as well as Julia)
  • Small deployment footprint (again, Go is nice here, Julia is getting there. Coupling with GTK is a bit problematic – I’d love to see Fyne get more mature for this reason)
  • Performant for scientific and engineering applications (again, Go and Julia do this well)
  • Simple but powerful; elegant
  • Good support for multiprocessing, network, databases/data work

There’s probably more – I don’t have a formal checklist because I’m not acquiring this for my employer. Personal satisfaction and how it aligns to some projects I’m pursuing is also quite important. I come back to C, Go and Julia. I know C and it is too low-level, though a great fallback when you need performance. Julia is very interesting but needs to mature a bit more. C++, C#, Java are “too OO”, if that’s a thing. I looked at Vala – I like it for the close ties to GTK, but while GTK’s GObject foundation is a reasonable compromise in OO (it’s still basically C, and you can use it to the degree you want while working in C), Vala brings all that closer to C# and Java than I care for and pushes you into classes for everything (not as bad as Java, though, and even in C++ you can write in C). I did like Genie, though, and have some thoughts about something like that relative to Xojo…


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