To Open Source or Not

you’re right and sorry I did not want to nitpick around though I am against any centrally controlled platforms like Microsoft GitHub. I would like to encourage everybody to host his or her tools as long as we all serve our services to smaller audiences and not millions of users.

… as long as you are not run over by a bus.

Sorry, self-hosting for open-source makes zero sense to me.

I’ve been with Xojo long enough to see quite a few self-hosted open software projects disappear, be it because the developer changed tools or got hit by the proverbial bus (or a tiny virus).

Sure, you can ask on the forum if anyone has a copy - but in order to ask you first need to know it exists. Discovery is just a liiiittle bit difficult if the relevant website no longer exists.

But guess where you go to look for open-source projects? Right. In open-source repositories. It really isn’t rocket science.

If you donate it to the community, it should be hosted publicly.

It’s just logical.


Your perfect logical mind did not acknowledge that as far as you are using open source licenses you are free to mirror the repos you need . So I do for my open source components and toolchains I need in my projects. And many others do this aswell on their Repos. So your argument is quite invalidated. There is simply no need for centralized platforms harvesting behavioral data of its users.

Back to topic: If it is possible (you are not using any other compoenents or dependencies I encourage you to open source (GPL) your software.

Not sure what the screenshot is supposed to show me.

GPL code is useless.

Free. Windows/Mac. Powerful yet simple, accepts many versioning systems and platforms.

Back to the topic, if you don’t intend to update something useful, that has no significant sales, and that will naturally die because the lack of updates… Better to open its source and hope that the community take care of it. MIT all the way, not GPL.


I would suggest opening a free Github account (or any of the other alternatives mentioned), just because its easy, a large audience, and there is very little upkeep.

I like the idea of just keeping-it-simple. :slight_smile:

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Indeed? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: How does it aid discoverability if some people somewhere have mirrors of your copies, but not in places where people look for them? Aka central repositories?

Seems you are discussing emotionally like “Bones” in this conversation and let your dislike of something get the better of your logical aptitude … :vulcan_salute: