The emotional toll API 2.0 has had on Xojo developers

I feel a year may be an exaggeration, the reason being is that the fist app I converted to SwiftUI only took a week (give or take) as I had the blueprints. I basically spent that entire time Googling how to do specif tasks, even if the code was shitty, it worked and job done.

I would have reached my goal of converting two of my apps, if I’d stuck that method. Instead, I decided to stop trying to make Swift & SwiftUI work like how I used too, and really decided to focus on learning how Swift & SwiftUI works…

I coulda still shipped one SwiftUI app last year, but I then felt I needed a new website to match… Now I’m doing something I should have done years ago, building a marketing plan.

Oh, I totally get it. It took me a lot longer than others here, before I finally decided that there is no future for me with Xojo, and I can tell you… It was the best thing I’ve done for my career in a long time. What I’m using now is far from perfect, but it’s a shit ton better than what I’ve left behind.

There’s a ton of options out there for making x-plat apps. I didn’t like Swift as a language and I liked C++ even less. I really like Objective-C, but I don’t see much point in migrating to that in the long run. So Swift it is and it’s fine, especially when you understand what the ornaments actually mean. On the plus side, I now write better JavaScript code :wink:

A little food for thought, how many lines of code does it take to add a “ScrollView” to a Xojo made app?.. Now let me show you SwiftUI.

ScrollView { /* Insert scene description here */ }

How many lines of code does it take to add Undo to your Xojo made application?, with SwiftUI.

Undo comes for free when you use the document based app template, which also auto handles open, save, auto-save, version history, recent items menu etc etc…

My main point of this thread is to ask if there’s anything I can do for the friends I’ve made, whom I see suffering and obviously feel trapped?