Sorry - need new glasses …

The LR says that TrueWindow was new in 2019 R1 but my Xojo 2018 R3, 2017 R3, and 2016 R3 (haven’t tried further back) all happily autocomplete and use it (I tried it with a new project) when I use


inside a control…

There is also nothing mentioned in the release notes for 2019 R1 - see

So why would it say “new in 2019 R1”?

You sure youre not misreading that ?
Here I see 2009 r1 (if I look at RectControl.TrueWindow)
A decade earlier

Damn. I need new glasses.

I knew I couldn’t read the small print on labels anymore, but now it’s getting serious …


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I threw my glasses away.


Yup. It’s work. I’d quite odd to train the eyes. Especially the bifocal glasses are a terrible idea because you always need to move the head to keep things in focus. I didn’t want those and so I got the book. My eyesight still isn’t perfect. But I can drive without glasses again.

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My uncle is 82. For the last 20 years he has always touted some miracle medicine or device, enthused about how great it is, and how much better he feels.

At most 6 months later he has the next one, enthuses about how great it is, and how much better he feels - and that the last one was crap and didn’t work.

But he never learns.

For most of the “alternative medicine” it is more about feeling “in control” than about being helped - the user’s could do with a shrink, but insurance doesn’t pay for that. They do pay (especially in Germany) for all kinds of homeopathic “medicines” (my mother uses it excessively) … though that may be changing.

As for improving your eyer sight naturally. As far as I can make out the theory isn’t too far fetched, although it seems to be clad in the usual clap-trap. After all, the eye senses light and passes that sensor information to the brain where most of the processing takes place. What you ACTUALLY see is akin to an impressionist painting seen close up - lots of coloured dots. What your brain makes of it is a family at the dinner table. However one should keep in mind that part of the image processing (like enhancement of intensity changes that aid in contour recognition) already happen in the retina.

So when the eye changes then it is not a too far-fetched idea to try and retrain the brain to deal with the new circumstances rather than try to recreate the original sensor information with glasses. However there are certain limits of what can be achieved. For one if you have a condition where your eye cells die or your retina detaches or deteriorates then it won’t help you at all. And even if it can help then you might still be vision-impaired, just to a lesser degree (eg you might go from 50% to 70% vision).

I sure hope you had an eye test before driving again. After all, you could be like my uncle and self-convinced that it worked (and you’d be amazed at what people believe).

Btw a book I cannot recommend highly enough is “The man who mistook his wife for his hat”.

I never wanted to read it because I thought with a title like that it is probably some strange esoteric crap, so when I got it for my birthday it stood in my bookshelf for a few years (I was in a student house in Edinburgh at the time). When I urgently needed the toilet I just grabbed a book and ran - and as luck had it it was this book. So I started flicking through. Half an hour later people were banging on the door that I should bloody well get off, they needed the toilet too!

The book is fantastic.

It’s by Oliver Sacks, and he describes cases from his practical work as a neurologist. Nothing dry, more observational. Of the lady who only knows “right” but not “left”, of the guy who could tell by smell all the people that were in the next room, or of people who were blind without knowing it.

It’s an amazing journey into the human mind for laymen, and is on the required reading list for medical students in Germany.

@MarkusWinter: sigh… The book isn’t “Alternative medicine”. It’s just simple muscle training. Nothing more. We aren’t talking about dying eye cells or retina detachments. Just the usual bad eyes when you get older.

Do you always think that others are idiots?

Of course. :kissing_heart:

[except maybe Norman, but don’t tell him :shushing_face:]

But I’m a Scientist and like to look at something from every angle - so if one is like my uncle and expects miracle cures then disappointment will follow.

But if you read what I wrote then you’ll see that I did not say that it won’t work, that the theory behind it is ok, but that it strongly depends on what conditions you have. If that makes you feel like an idiot then that’s on you :wink:

And just for the record: my eyes aren’t “just” getting older. :poop:

P.S. And yes, I agree: bifocals are the devil’s work … :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

P.P.S. So did you have an eye test? I noticed you never said … :thinking:

You can do the eye test yourself. Print out the Snellen table, step 3 meters away and test away.

So did you pass …? :wink:

My Snellen table version has a helpful line “youcandrivenow”.

Left eye: 20/25
Right eye: 20/100

My left eye is responsible for the far sight and the right eye does the near sight. 20/20 is considered good so I’m quite happy with the 20/25.

That’s not how it works.

20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If you have 20/100 vision, it means that you must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 100 feet.

So you don’t have 20/25 vision. 20/25 vision would mean that you see as well with your right eye at 20 feet as others do at 25 feet. Your 25/100 for the right eye should mean that you have about 20/80 vision (20/20 for the left, 25/100 = 20/80 for the right).

Or in other words: in your case you can see the walkers clearly at a distance with your left eye, but as you come closer it becomes harder to hit them if you rely on your right eye. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Having 20/20 vision does not necessarily mean you have perfect vision. 20/20 vision only indicates the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance. Other important vision skills, including peripheral awareness or side vision, eye coordination, depth perception, focusing ability and color vision, contribute to your overall visual ability.

eye test

The first one is 20/50 while the second on is 20/100 (your eyesight). These are considered low vision because you cannot see the line above the green line but you can see the top line. The last one, however, is considered “legally blind”(20/200) because you can’t even see the big E. Someone who is legally blind cannot see something from 20 feet while it should be clearly visible at 200 feet!

If 20/100 is your uncorrected vision, no need to worry. People who see 20/100 uncorrected have a mild prescription (-1.50 to -2.00) so you are nowhere near legally blind.

As long as I have both eyes open I can drive. For both eyes I have 20/25 vision.

I guess we can also agree that if you have both eyes closed you shouldn’t drive.


[quote=“beatrixwillius, post:13, topic:764”]
My Snellen table[/quote]

No more used in France since years (3-5 or more…). They use a computer (or some other image projector).

And, in France, the vision is expressed in i/10.

I actually have 1.6 on the left eye (for the last 2 months) and 1/10 since birth. Young, I had 10/10 and believed that I had the best vision until I learned some people may have 11/10, 12/10, … Stuning.

And yes, I can physically drive my car, but beware of the walker who suddenly want to go thru my road: I may not have time to see him/her and press the brake. Imagine driving when it is raining (for the real vision): I see clearly the two edges (right/left ends of the road), but I need time, far more time to understand what I see before I am able to decide what to do.

BTW: I enlarge the internet browser text to the maximum and set the display at “inverse” (think early Dark Mode); unfortunately, TV images ars also displayed that way (all women are nice or so…:wink: )

Now, this is my unfortunate experience.

The vision chart is also “projected” in most offices in the US as well… Since well back in the 1960’s actually… Some still have “paper” ones…

Love this thread, it sounds like I’ve met my match of cooky personalities here, love it :slight_smile: