@samRowlands your commitment to your products and your users has been amazing. How you’ve stayed with Xojo so long through their treatment of you has also shown unbelievable stamina. If the folks on TOF want to be angry about your decision to move on they need to speak with Geoff and make him realise he needs to remove his head from his a** and realise the mess he has created with “2.0 All the sh** “. So many of us here have lost so much time and energy with anger and moving on from the sh**show Xojo Inc and it’s products are/have become.
Good luck with your future projects!
Yes, if you don’t mind diving into platform specifics - thing Xojo’s marketing takes care of for you .
App Wrapper just makes it possible for the audience Xojo Inc is specifically targeting since a couple of years…
If the Xojo guys would be a little smarter and customer-caring, they would buy App Wrapper and integrate it in the IDE’s macOS and iOS target workflow.
Yes, Electron can produce a notarized DMG with the same single-line command.
Right, and that’s yet another task that Xojo would have to build in. So now we’re talking about Xojo building the functionality of InnoSetup, DMG Canvas, and App Wrapper into the IDE. That’s really impractical with the resources they have.
You don’t deserve it. Is your product(s) and you are trying to get a new home for it. You don’t have control if you find someone how wants to buy from you and open source it (or not), charge more (or less). You can’t keep supporting the product as you are no longer using Xojo (or using it less and less).
The alternative is not offering it anymore with no place for current and future users to go. Good luck to you and I hope you find a good home for your tools.
Yeah, they are busy improving DBKit
Unless I’m just not seeing it, it looks like this thread on the TOF has disappeared.
- Karen
Hi Karen, i still can see it:
I can be a little blind sometimes!
Those people need to shut up and mind their own business. Your programs, your choice.
People bought your apps, as is.
They know this
You’re under NO obligation of any kind to open source it
And anyone hate mailing you should be ashamed for that
You can do everything App Wrapper does without it, if you spend the time…
App Wrapper does a whole lot more than just signing and packing.
Yes. Just so we’re clear, I’m not trying to talk down App Wrapper. It’s a useful tool, and one that most Xojo developers would consider indispensable.
If those clamouring for open-sourcing would be serious (and not just wanting a freebie) they would set up a kickstarter or Give-a-little page to raise the necessary funds …
“Necessary funds”? for whom? since Sam has indicated his desire to park AppWrapper and move on
I got some of the same hate mail when I closed up shop. But thankfully some folks were happy giving me a little money and put Formatted Text Control into open source. Shorts is still available but I have no idea if the new developers have changed anything or not. Ignore the hate. Screw 'em.
The 3rd party market for Xojo is abysmal. It’s very hard to make any money on it and actually live on it. I figured by the third or fourth year everyone that was going to buy Shorts had already bought it. There just aren’t enough Xojo users to buy add-ons and they certainly don’t want to pay what it’s worth. I wish I had kept track of how many ‘do you offer a cheaper version’ emails I received.
At the end of the day, Sam, you gotta do what puts food on the table.
Maybe read what Sam wrote before commenting. Sam clearly stated that he is looking for a buyer.
I think Markus is suggesting that a kick starter raises money to buy App Wrapper then open source it after purchase
I should say that I do not imagine this will EVER happen
nor it would make any sense… cause it is dependend on xojo…