Launch an executable without using Shell on Console target

declares to OS apis to start an app are in WFS (or were)

something like

Protected Sub LaunchAppWithArguments(app as string, args() as String)
  #If TargetMacOS
    Dim w As New NSWorkspaceMBS
    Dim file As FolderItem = GetFolderItem(app, FolderItem.PathTypeNative)
    Dim error As NSErrorMBS
    Dim configuration As New Dictionary
    Dim options As Integer
    configuration.Value(w.NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments) = args
    // and hide all others
    // options = w.NSWorkspaceLaunchAndHideOthers
    options = w.NSWorkspaceLaunchAsync
    Dim r As NSRunningApplicationMBS = w.launchApplicationAtFile(file, options, configuration, error)
    If r = Nil Then
      MsgBox "Error: " + error.LocalizedDescription
      // MsgBox "Started: "+r.localizedName
    End If
  #ElseIf TargetWin32
    Soft Declare Sub ShellExecuteA Lib "Shell32" ( hwnd As Integer, operation As CString, file As CString, params As CString, directory As CString, show As Integer )
    Soft Declare Sub ShellExecuteW Lib "Shell32" ( hwnd As Integer, operation As WString, file As WString, params As WString, directory As WString, show As Integer )
    Dim params As String
    params = Join( args, " " )
    Dim file As FolderItem = GetFolderItem(app, FolderItem.PathTypeNative)
    If System.IsFunctionAvailable( "ShellExecuteW", "Shell32" ) Then
      ShellExecuteW( 0, "open", file.nativePath, params, "", 1 )
      ShellExecuteA( 0, "open", file.nativePath, params, "", 1 )
    End If
End Sub

Would this work for adding an attachment to Windows’ mail program?
I still can’t find a good way to do that.

this just starts the app
whether you can create an email and add attachments to it this way I have no idea