It is high time Xojo innovated like its competitors

Geoff clearly wrote this article.

Of course
Its his wikibin :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean “…he has founded companies to allow…” PLURAL ?

And then I find this one REALLY odd

He quickly grew the department, hiring three additional trainers and quadrupled the training revenue.

I literally suggested REAL / Xojo have such department & was ignored(?) despite his own experience with such a thing :man_shrugging:

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Plural? I wish the investors that he made a profit for to could be listed as plural.

Wasnt aware that beyond REAL?Xojo he started more than one company and was surprised by the wording saying

…he has founded companies …”

news to me :slight_smile:

But you’ve known him longer than I have so I’ll defer to your knowledge of this

to make it true with minimal effort you just gotta register a few LLCs, then terminate them later. :laughing: :disappointed:

I’d call that minimally true :slight_smile:

yeah the claim would be “true”
but not in the way I think many people would like or agree with

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i’ve come across it a lot from “idea” guys trying to take advantage of others.