Introducing Orb, a new Basic

Everything ran fine for me on macOS Big Sur.

Compiled app was good as well and only about 50 kb, very nice.

I would love for that to be true “50 kb” but I believe you misread it. Closer to 50 MB. That being said, that’s the entire runtime with gui support, web server, everything. The builds won’t get much larger (if at all) as I add more capabilities.

I think, if the community teams up here, then this could be an absolute game changer.

Imagine if we could get @MonkeybreadSoftware into this project, if he adds the vast functionality of its plugins into Orb, or my/our knowledge about UI/UX and Webdevelopment.

I am sure, if we re-think the advantages of Xojo with the disadvantages it’s lagacy brings, Orb could be more than just a hobby project.

Exactly true. There is a good chance with an abstract Designer for all platforms and much more. For me it makes no difference: writing it in C++ or on Orb. So I believe everybody could spend time and coding skills for Orb.

hey @pjzedalis how is that project going? Are you open for contributions?

Devil’s advocate, but what need are you looking to fill?
I’m genuinely curious, as currently there’s dozens of x-plat languages out there, none of which (imho) are completed even after years/decades of them being worked on by giant teams of people…

Hey @Lars_Lehmann I haven’t thought much about it. You would have to know Lisp/Racket in order to help at a platform/compiler level. In theory, I would love help if we are aligned on the design goals / vision.

Hi @Meestor_X thanks for checking it out. This is not a commercial project and I’m not trying to fill any needs other than my own curiosity and desire to build something better than Xojo. Because I’m leveraging Lisp/Racket/Chez it’s not as complex as it sounds.

I don’t believe one can call themselves a software engineering master without having built their own lightsaber :wink:

It’s mainly a research project for me into how compilers work, and how to build advanced features Xojo “citizens” would never have access for a myriad of reasons. If others find it useful that’s awesome.


Hi @pjzedalis,

any news about Orb?

Still in active development! Hoping for a new release soon with a ton of new features.


Nice to hear. I recently dusted off an interpreter written in C and I try to give it love once in a while. (PS: This is also a personal learning experience, not a commercial endeavor!)

Is called BAXIC, while original incarnations of the code where inspired by VB and RealBasic, this last rewrite is far more closer to JS in syntax and behavior. I have completed a good part of the intermediate code generator and have an interpreter that I use for testing. I can generate a nice AST/ICODE, still working on adding more language features. Im still pondering if targeting a VM like (java, python, lua, etc) or going for LLVM, but for now Im just ensuring that I have good modularity in the backend components so I can actually target a VM (also ponder on transpiling to C or other) when the time comes.

I have like 10 books on compilers in my bookshelf, Im really fascinated by the topic.

I have always love to toy with scripting languages. Wrote my first basic interpreter wee years ago in RealBasic with gui (Google Archive), then played with adding a messaging/oop layer to Arena, played with transpiling php to/from js, VB to real basic, etc, made a module for Apache out of JSC (a small Javascript engine) with some of the PHP functionality added. I also started a transpiler for a basic dialect to c/objective-c/cocoa.

Way back in the early days of RealBasic when Joe was around (Mac OS 7, 8,9) I sold a little project to convert VB 6 projects to real basic to Geoff, I mean it was very limited, at least it worked with my projects.

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I assume you mean Joe Strout?

Yeah I’d guess it would be Joe Strout & macOS 7 8 9 as Joe Ranieri would have been < 10 when REAL got started and around that time


Sorry, yeah is the one and only Joe Strout!

Speaking of Joe Strout , I knew he wanted to write his own language… and he has!


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So at least two people are writing an IDE for either Xojo (that Geoff will never allow anyway) or a new Basic.

In the meanwhile B4X has no Mac or Linux IDE.

Seems like a lost opportunity …

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As far as I know (@Erel can correct me) B4X and the current IDE is based on C# which, for the moment, isnt portable to Mac (dont know about linux)

That may change as MS’ MAUI project matures