FROM TOF : Draw curve with DrawLine method

dim yo(360),xo(360) as double
dim i as integer
dim yy, cfA,cfB,cfC,cfD,cfE as double
yy=(canvas1.Height/2) // to adjust X axe in half canvas.Haight

const deg2rad as double =0.017453292
cfA = 0.29
cfB= 3.68
cfC = -0.47
cfE = -0.387

For i = 0 To 360 step 5

xo(i) = i+1
yo(i) =cfA + cfB * sin(i*deg2rad) + cfC * cos(i*Deg2rad) +cfD * sin(2*i*Deg2rad)+cfE * cos(2*i*Deg2rad)    //Function to draw

/////g.Pixel( xo(i)*1.45,yy-yo(i)*20)=color.Yellow   // xo() and yo() are adjusted for the canvas (1.45,20)
//I want to use DrawLine method to connect  pixels from 0 to 360
/// Use THIS
if i>0 Then  g.DrawLine ( xo(i-1)*1.45,yy-yo(i-1)*20, xo(i)*1.45,yy-yo(i)*20)

Next i