Experiences with B4x

Absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Of course I feel compelled to reply if think a misconception is posted. That is the great thing about this forum: one can.

I have absolutely no connection in ANY WAY with Anywhere Software. Thinking that means that everyone that writes in favor of Xojo would also be on the Xojo payroll. So, do you have any connection with Xojo that you feel compelled to defend them?

If my enthusiasm about the B4X product line offenses you in any way, then this is just because I personally had very bad experiences with Xojo, and not with B4X and that may show in the way I post. So yes, there is an emotional aspect involved. This is not a Xojo only forum, but a forum one gives arguments (against or for) on all cross platform tools and one is allowed to give counter arguments.

If you follow this forum, you should’ve noticed there are way bigger attacks on Xojo than what I write (mostly also from bad experiences).

So am I a fan of B4X? Yes, a huge one!

EDIT: Ah OK, searching the forum you seem to be the residential troll here. I guess I just shouldn’t have bothered replying.

So I guess I take Normans advice here…

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