Announcing Flutter 1.22

iOS 14 and Xcode 12 ready.
Android 11 ready.

2 months after the last release, we got 3,024 issues solved and merged 1,944 PRs from 197 contributors. Of those contributors, 114 (58%) of them were from the community.

New buttons, new icons, new stackable navigator, new Dart Compiler, new tooling, better internationalization, and more.


The Dart tooling was unified, and now the new dart tool is included in the Flutter 1.22+ SDK:

Those numbers let me wonder… how many bugs are they in their bug db ?

PS: what is a PR ?
(usually, I understand Press Release, but here ?)

It stands for a ‘Pull Request’: A patch submitted to be ‘pulled’ in to the project. They can be bug fixes for reported ‘issues’ or updated/new ‘features’.

“Issues” are not bugs. But contains bugs. Imagine we have a perfect software for Macs, zero known bugs. Then Apple releases a MacOS Catalina and it starts to crash. People start to log “Issues” they never saw before, but now they see. Same for a new iOS, or new Android, many things.

Also, the software we are talking about have 2 stable platforms (iOS and Android), one unstable (Web), 3 Alphas (under heavy development Mac, Windows and Linux) and one “secret”, Fuchsia (Secret because we don’t know how Google classifies its maturity right now, its kind of “secret”). All those, per se, not stable, being developed, are a factory of monthly “issues”. E.g. Issue: “Previous releases were touch enabled only, now, with desktop platforms, we need also handle mouse interfaces”. This “issue” will be split in many other issues to enable mouse handling in diverse platforms.

I gotta say, I’m not impressed with Flutter. Their Mac demos just look like Android apps running in a container.

If you read about the subject, you will notice 3 things:

  1. Flutter Desktop apps are new.
  2. All Desktop apps are currently Alpha in the dev channel.
  3. The Cupertino design, the Apple look and feel, will be not available in 2020, only the Material design this year.

Yes, you saw what it was supposed to be seen this year.
