An Idea for Xojo's Future (with summary)

Its Sunday and time to read and write :grinning: I wrote this in January - and it is still true:

I do not believe anything. No numbers, no estimations, no recommendations and no promises. I just try out and if it fits I take it for this task. I do not look back and I do not look into the future. I just know what I want and what I need. For the moment only. Take it with a grant of salt please.

Markus, thank you for the article and your courage. Well done. And may be a bit too deep. Finally it worked out that Xojo did not ignore it. If the reaction was strategically successful is something else. But you did the job. Even if I do not agree with all of the content: Thank you for that.

I introduced Quality Management Systems (QMS) in several companies already. This works like Markus showed: Counting, measuring and so on - the so called DMAIC cyle. I’m in doubt that Xojo haves something like that - but I believe that they MAY introduce something like that now - after those rumbles. And I’m sure, they will also read this here:

Don’t get emotional please. It’s not worth it.